ya ya....!
i know u all will be amazed to hear this..!
but what to do..! thats the truth..!
ok let me tell u what is abt that!!
Let me introduce the people in the photo first!
The left most corner blue suit smart(??!!!!) guy is me, the great(he..he..)!! Next is our cheif guest Prof.Ramachandran, next is our revered HoD of IT Prof.E.G.Govindhan and the right extreme is Deepak, President of AIT.This photo is taken on our symposium PROTCOL-9e.
Association of Information Technologists(AIT) is the association for the IT students. Each college will have this association. The offiece bearers will be President, Vice-president, General secretary, Treasurer and two Joint secretaries.I am the Gen.Sec of my college's AIT. I love to do that job. "Coz u will get an experience in holding a position and organising functions! U can never do mistakes when u r in a holding an office in a company! u should learn only in schools and colleges!", said by Prof.N.R.K sir. That statement gave me an inspiration, when i was doubting to nominate for this post. Thank you sir!