This was in the headlines when i woke up that day morning..! "SADDAM is hanged till teath..!"
hmmmmm......! let me tell u what i feel abt that issue..! there r both bads and goods. let me start with goods..!
He was a bad dictator. He killed many, so cruely that nobody can think like that. He was trying to erase a whole caste from his country..! killed many innocent and even some of his relatives..! whenever someone is found bad in his view...they will be killed. Even i have seen a video of his punishment..! in that, he ordered to kill the culprit by keeping a small detonator in his pocket and blast it!! is that a right way to punish a culprit??
now lets see what was the bad part in killing him!!!
All over the world, every one fights to remove the death sentence...! But wi this USA wanted to hang Saddam to death??
There are lot of politics going on under..!
As people of all nations are afraid of US, nobody could stop the war, just gave some statements alone. Statement s are nothing..! They just shows the presence of people in the world and nothing else. If really US want to kill him, they would have fired him at the spot. They fired his sons, grandsons..>! but not him!! If saddam would have killed in the war, it wouldnt have raised a big issue as of now..! that was the another mistake by the US.
U can never say, killing saddam is bad and even good. But the man who was a dictator is no more.