Friday, August 03, 2007

How to live????

hi readers,

once again a philosophy!!!! ha..ha...thats fate. u got to read this.

k..we come to matter directly.

i read a book reasently called "The Present" by Johnson.
that was very good.very very good.itz abt how to live. after reading that book, many i take everything very easily. living my moment happily. so i thought i should share what i read.

its like a story. he has written everything with a single story. i will just write some points alone.

1. Live only for the "PRESENT':
this means, concentrate completely abt the present. this is said with an incident very beautifully.
concider u were a child and u r give some work, like cutting the grass in lawn, painting something in a book,etc. what will be in ur mind? u can observe this from a child. child will be very much interested in that alone. will completely concentrate in that. do that very happily. but think abt us. what we do? we think a lot and do a lot. thats the big mistake. very big mistake.
so he says, we sholud concentrate on what we do now. don think anything more. sp, live for the "PRESENT".

2.Learn from "PAST":
its not complete if u live only for present. if u fail in something,or had a bitter expereince in past, or whatever it may be, learn from that. think abt things that happened. don see what is wrong, always see whats RIGHT.thats very important. keep in my mind those lessons u learnt from the past and don't, learn from the "PAST".

3.Plan for the "FUTURE":
if u learn from past and living ur present, u will not know where u should head to. so, u should plan for the future. keep things in my mind. do them at times. finish everything within deadlines. don make delays. this will greatly help us. i'm 100% sure abt that. so plan for the "FUTURE".

4.Respond with "RESPONSIBILITY":
all the above said will not give u meaningfull life if u haven't taken any responsibility. obviously all man has some responsibilities. we should be remembered by atleast four people other than our family members for our whenever u have to do a work, think abt the responsibility u got in that work, and then respond. so respond with "RESPONSIBILITY".

all together,

Learn from PAST,
Plan for the FUTURE,
Live completely in the PRESENT.

try following these atleast one day. i'm very sure, u all will agree that these are life's most important equations.

and yeah....thanx for the patience! hehe..!

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