hi folks,
today is one my most happiest day! u know wi??
i saw the sexy car BMW 3 series!!! oh gosh...! what a car it is??
we had Automobile symposium today in our coll...! they had an auto expo.
there were many cars from diff companies like hyundai,fiat,maruthi,ford, etc. but the one which ruled the whole day was BMW. they have brought a black 3 series. i have no words to explain its look.
all the cars started coming at 10am. but when this one came, there were whistles all around. guys screaming like anything. i felt like waiting for Superstar's movie for the first show! it was that much exciting. the place which was assigned had a very small entrance. every other car suffered a lot to enter. but this one entered so easily. u know wi?? it had an option called auto parking function. the car drew inside automatically! automatic gear transmission is the next high light. all together, it was great. i saw a BMW for the first time today!
only i could see the photo flashes for some time. even the HoDs were interested to take a picture near it! yup....u r right i too took a snap! what to do??? everyone is crazy!
now, i have decided that i should earn more to but one BMW for myself! hehe..! good ambition na??
dear KN,
visited ur site from D: liked ur write-up simple and heartwarming..pl continue..
what about ur friend dhana's blog..no mention in ur post..
lover of all blogs..
anon s
hi anon,
nice to see people commenting for my writings!! thanx anyway..!
err....! dhana is not writing blogs. he is busy. and he deleted this as of now. but sure that he will start once again in quite sometime!
wi cant u leave ur blog name, so that i can stop by??
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